
in French Law

Competition Law

Competition Law: JurisClasseur News April 22nd, 2015 The Competition Authority has launched a public consultation on April 13th, 2015, on the diagnosis and initial recommendations that could better balance the processes of standardization, certification, and proper competition. The various interested parties are invited to submit their comments on the sticking points and initial recommendations made […]

in French Law

Prohibition of research and exploitation of hydrocarbons by hydraulic fracturing

Law n ° 2017-1839 of December 30th, 2017 is putting an end to the research as well as to the exploitation of the hydrocarbons and bearing various requirements relating to the energy and the environment This law prohibits research and exploitation of hydrocarbons by hydraulic fracturing or any other unconventional method.

in French Law

Right to oblivion to five years for persons declared cured of cancer

No. 651 – Bill to apply the right to oblivion to five years for persons declared cured of cancer – registered at the Presidency of the National Assembly on 7 February 2018 Patients who have been diagnosed with cancer are told by a doctor that they are cured after five years without relapse. These people […]

in European Law

Food Safety : Labelling of Origins of Agricultural and Food Products

On 4 June 2018, the European Parliament (EP) Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI) in association with the EP Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) organized a public hearing entitled “Labelling of Origin for Agricultural and Food Products”. The participants in the hearing  discussed the implementation of national labelling schemes, […]

in European Law

FOOD SAFETY:Health Technology Assessment (HTA)

On 7 June 2018 the European Parliament (EP) ENVI Committee discussed the Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on health technology assessment (COM/2018/051 final) presented by the European Commission on 31 January 2018. The HTA proposal seeks to boost cooperation amongst EU Member States for assessing health technology. The […]

in European Law

FDA Gives Two More EU Countries Seal of Approval

Following a positive assessment by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Lithuania and Ireland have today joined the list of EU countries recognized as capable to carry out good manufacturing practice (GMP) with regard to inspections of sites that manufacture human medicines. The FDA recognized eight EU countries on 1 November 2017 and four […]

in European Law

Open Trade Negotiations with Australia and New Zealand

The Council of the EU authorized the European Commission to open trade negotiations with Australia and New Zealand and adopted negotiating mandates for each of the negotiations. The trade agreements with both these countries seeks to further reduce the existing barriers to trade, remove custom duties on goods, and give better access for services and […]

in European Law

Protection of Consumers/Goods: Mutual Recognition of Goods

The Council agreed on a general approach regarding a draft regulation aimed at improving the mutual recognition of goods marketed in another member state. The regulation seeks to ensure that goods lawfully marketed in one member state can be sold in any other, as long as they are safe and respect the interests of the […]

in European Law

Pharmaceuticals : the European Commission Refines Intellectual Property Rules

The European Commission made a proposal for a new Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 469/2009 concerning the supplementary protection certificate for medicinal products (COM / 2018/317 final). The proposal aims to adjust intellectual property rights framework, which sustains the pharmaceutical industry’s world-class innovation capacity. To improve the current system and remove a major competitive disadvantage […]

in European Law

WTO : EU Launches WTO Case Against China

On 1 June 2018 the EU launched legal proceedings (consultation procedure) in the WTO against Chinese legislation which, according to the EU, undermines the intellectual property rights of European companies. European companies going to China are forced to grant ownership or usage rights of their technology to domestic Chinese entities and are deprived of the […]

    Based in Brussels and Paris, the law firm Laffineur mainly advises companies with regard to the various legal issues that may arise for them at the transnational level. The firm develops expertise in the field of regulatory law for the internal market of the European Union. The Firm also works in international trade law, lobbying, business law, liability law as well as in the field of European, Belgian and French litigation.
    BRUSSELS : C/O AVOCAP Bruxelles Boulevard Saint-Michel 11, 1040 Etterbeek - Belgique
    PARIS : 222 Boulevard Saint Germain 75007 Paris - France
    BRUSSELS :+32 (0) 23 06 48 58
    PARIS : +33 (0) 1 42 60 04 31