ECHA identifies risks from PVC additives and microparticle releases
An ECHA’s ( European Chemicals Agency) investigation has identified several substances used for PVC plastic which may be harmful to humans and the environment. It focused on 63 PVC additives, such as plasticers, flame retardants and heat stabilisers.
The investigation concludes recommending greater regulatory action in order to minimise the impacts and risks these new identified substances posed.
Some identified substances and the risks they pose include:
- Plasticers which are harmful to reproduction
- Stabilising organotins which cause developmental malformations and reproductive harm and reproductive harm
- Flame retardants, which the ECHA already has a Regulatory Strategy (for Flame Retardants) for.
It also recommends improving the technology at recycling facilities and landfills to minimise PVC particle emissions.
It also adds that in regards to PVC resin, the risks to workers and the environment are well controlled